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Thai Asia Pacific Brewery takes significant steps in sustainability throughout 2023, towards Environmental, Social, and Responsible pillars

Brew a Better World

Thai Asia Pacific Brewery Co., Ltd., (TAP) is the authorized company for manufacturing, importing, and distribution of globally renowned beverage brands such as Heineken, Tiger, Cheers, and Guinness. TAP began its business in Thailand by prioritizing sustainability in alignment with the overarching mission “Brew a Better World” from Heineken Global. With a firm commitment to Environmental, Social, and Responsible pillars, TAP has been actively advancing sustainability initiatives in 2023 with pilot projects to create a positive impact to the world and local communities around the brewery area in Nonthaburi.

Brew a Better World
Brew a Better World
Brew a Better World

Environmental - “TAP Road to Net Zero” The Mission Towards an Environment-Friendly Path

TAP’s environmental goal is driven under the sustainability mission “TAP Road to Net Zero,” with the aim to become a carbon neutral organization by the year 2030. This is accomplished through the implementation of the 4Rs environmental strategy: Reduce, Replace, Remove, and Report.

TAP has initiated numbers of eco-friendly projects, from expanding green spaces to ensuring a clean air area for the community through the 10 Rai Plantation’s Project and Yellow Pridiyathorn Afforestation’s Project. Throughout the year of 2023, both environmental projects aim to enhance carbon sequestration through deforestation with over 3,179 trees planted. As a result, all trees within the projects help suffice Oxygen for 6,000 people annually, while reducing carbon emissions by 46 tCo2eq per year. Within 2023, TAP continues its environmental effort to expand green spaces within nearby community and provincial area in Nonthaburi, which includes the recent project where a total of 3,000 plants are distributed to locals on National Tree Day.

In addition, TAP has been honored with Green Industry Level 4: Green Culture from the Ministry of Industry. Furthermore, the company recently received certificate of honor in recognition for green space expansion from Nonthaburi governor. These recognitions are integral in affirming the company's success in promoting environmental sustainability over the year.

Brew a Better World
Brew a Better World

Social – Enhancing Quality of Life with Sustainable Approach among Local Communities

This year, TAP celebrates its 28th anniversary operation in Thailand by continuing the company’s commitment to enhance educational opportunities through the “TAP Scholarship” for 13 consecutive years. Over 40 scholarships are given to Nonthaburi youths who maintain excellent academic achievements. The goal is to uplift and enhance the quality of life for young individuals. The students will receive full support including monetary support, while high-level of education will foster future prospect.

Furthermore, TAP continues to drive its ambition in raising road safety issue. To reduce risk of accident within the local community, the company donated more than 100 safety helmets for children. The safety helmets are distributed to local community and government departments in Nonthaburi province. Beyond promoting road safety practices, this campaign also seeks to instill a sense of responsibility in wearing safety helmets, reducing possible injuries or fatalities rate resulting from road accidents.

In addition, TAP has been honored with Green Industry Level 4: Green Culture from the Ministry of Industry. Furthermore, the company recently received certificate of honor in recognition for green space expansion from Nonthaburi governor. These recognitions are integral in affirming the company's success in promoting environmental sustainability over the year.

Brew a Better World

Responsible - Internal to External Social Responsibility Initiatives

Continuing TAP’s commitment to enhance the quality of life in the surrounding communities, TAP remains as an organization that conducts business with a core focus on social responsibility. In addition to internal communication regarding the behaviors and risks associated with drinking and driving, TAP has strengthened its communication by raising the awareness through the ongoing “Set Zero to Drink Driving” campaign to Thai people. The campaign is conducted under the Heineken 0.0 brand, a pure malt non-alcoholic beverage, to actively build understanding about the seriousness of drinking and driving through event activations, as well as to continuously advocate with partners on various online platforms all year round.

Thai Asia Pacific Brewery Co., Ltd. remains steadfast in its full commitment to sustainability in all aspects throughout the upcoming year 2024. The company aims to create positive impacts on society. In addition, TAP adheres to the core principle of building a green society to improve the quality of life for everyone. With the aspiration to extend this sustainable commitment to resonate with the local community, subsequently reaching the provincial and national levels.