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Thai Asia Pacific Brewery Continues Sustainability Mission with BWG by Recycling Old Uniforms into Clean Energy Fuel

Sustainability Mission with BWG

Thai Asia Pacific Brewery Co., Ltd. (TAP) led by Mr. Kawee Meksongruek, Supply Chain Director, is committed to pursuing its sustainable waste reduction goals “Zero Waste to Landfill.” They have collaborated with the partner Better World Green Co., Ltd. (BWG), which is a comprehensive industrial waste management service provider, to deliver old uniforms from the company, as well as unused clothing by more than 500 employees. BWG will process the old uniforms and clothing into refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and incorporate them into recycling.

This transformation will convert the uniforms and clothing into clean energy fuel for electricity generation. These uniforms and clothing are sent to Thai Asia Pacific Brewery's facility located in Sai Noi district, Nonthaburi, where representatives from BWG, Mr. Natdanai Tanwatthanaseri, the Marketing Manager, and Ms. Warunya Choovat, the Marketing Officer is presented to receive old uniforms and clothing.

Mr. Kawee Meksongruek, the Supply Chain Director of TAP, said, “We would like to express our gratitude to BWG for providing the opportunity for TAP and all our employees to be part of this project, which aligns with our environmental and sustainability goals. Throughout the month of September, TAP invited all employees to hand over the company’s old uniforms as well as unused clothing to us. Today, we are delighted to hand over our them to BWG for proper recycling. Not only will these materials be used as a source of clean energy fuel, but they will also help reduce landfill waste and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from incinerating such waste.”

Sustainability Mission with BWG
Sustainability Mission with BWG

The aforementioned project is a part of the sustainability mission “TAP Road to Net Zero”, which aimed at achieving the status of a Carbon Neutral Organization by the year 2030. This initiative is driven as a environmental strategy of the 4Rs, which stands for Reduce, Replace, Remove, and Report. It aligns with the company's overarching sustainability plan, “Brew A Better World,” which is dedicated to developing environmental sustainability in all aspects.